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Date: 07/06/2023

Title: The CTC Guys Group

Voice of Skepticism: Uh, what are you guys doing in here? Ian Oh, hey. Didn't see you there. We're getting ready for the guys group tonight. Nathan I was following what Ian told me to do. But now that I think about it, what are we doing? Ian Well, I'm glad you asked, Nathan. Here at the guys group, we want to give high school age boys a space to be able to speak freely about different things going on in their life. Whether it be the transition to high school, things going on in their personal lives, girls, or you name it. We want to be able to cultivate an environment for these kids to be able to speak about whatever they need to do. Nathan: So it sounds like we're giving them a space to just be themselves. Exactly. Maybe they can empower each other in the group too. Ian: Now you're getting the hang of it. Voice of Skepticism: Hey, Francesco. Francesco: Hey. Nathan: Ian, what are you doing? Ian: Bro, I have no idea. Voice of Skepticism: What are you guys doing? I thought you were going to be setting up for the guys group. Nathan: Well, I've been trying to teach Ian how to solve the Rubik's Cube, but he keeps getting frustrated with it. Voice of Skepticism: How do games help with therapy? Nathan: Well, it gives the boys a chance to express how they're feeling through play, it lets them bond with each other, and it lets us be a bit competitive too. Well, I might as well finish this. And that's how you're supposed to do it. Ian: Oh, I see now. Voice of Skepticism: What's up, Kent? Kent: What's up? Voice of Skepticism: What are you guys doing? Ian: We're setting up for the guys' group. Voice of Skepticism: What are all these games and what's with the sports jerseys? Ian: This is what we do. We give the guys a place to have fun and beat themselves. Speaking of which, Nathan, when is this thing happening? Nathan: Well, I'm glad you asked Ian. The CTC Guys Group will be taking place every Monday night at 6 30 p .m. in person at Child and Teen Counseling. See you there! .

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The CTC Guys Group

At Child & Teen Counseling (CTC), we’re huge believers in group therapy for teens. Group therapy offers unique opportunities for growth that go beyond individual sessions. It’s a space where teens can find validation, share experiences, and build confidence in a way that fosters personal and emotional healing. What makes group therapy so effective is the sense of connection—when teens realize their peers are facing similar challenges, it can provide a deep sense of belonging and affirmation. This sense of shared experience is crucial during adolescence, a time often marked by uncertainty and self-doubt.

The CTC Guys Group is our  weekly teen support group led by Ian Lock and Nathan Soria. Every Monday at 6:30 p.m., high school boys gather in a safe and encouraging environment to express themselves, learn new skills, and connect with others who understand what they’re going through. This boys therapy group  is designed to help participants develop social skills for teens, build self-confidence, and establish meaningful, lasting relationships with their peers.

Ian and Nathan have created a warm, welcoming space where boys can grow emotionally, mentally, and socially. Our high school boys therapy group isn’t just about talking; it’s about creating experiences that lead to personal breakthroughs. Whether a participant is dealing with low self-esteem, struggling to find their voice, or looking to improve their social interactions, this group provides the right mix of support and challenge. Teens are encouraged to explore their identities in a safe and structured way, leading to greater independence and resilience.

One of the primary focuses of the group is confidence building for teens. Adolescence can be a confusing time, and many teens grapple with feelings of inadequacy or uncertainty. Through group discussions, activities, and peer support, this teen self-esteem group helps participants recognize their worth, develop a stronger sense of self, and learn how to handle the pressures of high school life. The group dynamic allows boys to practice communication skills, problem-solving, and emotional expression—all essential tools for developing healthy relationships and personal confidence.

In addition to emotional growth, the group places a strong emphasis on fostering social skills for teens. Adolescence is a critical time for developing these skills, which are crucial for navigating friendships, school dynamics, and family relationships. The supportive environment created by Ian and Nathan encourages teens to practice empathy, active listening, and conflict resolution in real-time, giving them a strong foundation for building healthy relationships both now and in the future.

Whether a teen is facing challenges like social anxiety, a lack of motivation, or feeling isolated, the CTC Guys Group provides a community where boys can feel heard, supported, and empowered. The friendships formed in the group often extend beyond the therapy sessions, creating a network of support that helps participants through both their triumphs and challenges.

If you’re a parent or teen looking for a supportive space where growth and self-discovery are the focus, the CTC Guys Group may be the perfect fit. If you’re interested in learning more, or if you’d like to explore how this group could benefit you or your child, please don’t hesitate to reach out. You can contact Child & Teen Counseling at (818) 912-6001 or email us at CTC@childteencounseling.org.

At Child & Teen Counseling, we are dedicated to helping teens navigate the often turbulent waters of adolescence. The CTC Guys Group is one of many resources we offer to support teens on their journey to emotional well-being and independence. By providing a space where boys can grow and thrive, we empower them to face the challenges of life with confidence and strength. Join us and experience the power of community in building resilience, self-esteem, and lasting friendships.

More About Group Therapy

Want to read more about all the benefits of group therapy? Here’s our Clinical Director Kent Toussaint talking about it on his weekly Facebook segment, Tips On Teens. Check out the site of our sister organization Teen Therapy Center for the full archive.

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