David Muns
Hi, I'm David Muns. I'm a trainee here at Child and Teen Counseling, working under the supervision
of Kent Toussaint. I'm also a Master's of Psychology student at Antioch University. I wanted to
become a therapist because I wanted to find a way that could help people with my skill set.
had my own journey with mental health and want to be able to take what I've learned and help other
people work through whatever they're working through. As a kid, I struggled with both anxiety
and depression, and I feel like I really would have benefited from somebody reaching out and
helping me with that. And that's something that I truly want to be able to help younger people
today with. I'm from Agoura Hills, California. I grew up in the valley. I'm into music. I play
guitar, piano, a little bit of bass and drums. I play video games. I love comic books, movies,
and have all sorts of pop culture interests. I'm really looking forward to working with teens.
I think that that is such a crucial part of development
and it's definitely the point in my life where I could have used the most help and I think that
I can do the most good with that group. I'm looking forward to working with you soon. You can reach
me at david at childteencounseling .org
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Nicole Akhrem
Hi, my name is Nicole. I'm a graduate student of clinical psychology at Pepperdine University
and an MFT trainee at Child and Teen Counseling in Woodland Hills, supervised by Kent Toussaint.
I'm becoming a therapist after a decade plus of my own mental health journey. Going to therapy
changed absolutely everything about the way I live my life. And while I used to work in marketing,
which was great, I ultimately decided that I wanted to help others achieve the same. When it
comes to working with kids and teens, my goal is to provide a safe space to explore my clients'
feelings, values, identity, and ultimately help them move their story forward in a positive
way. After all, we are all the authors of our own stories in life. Some of my hobbies include painting
and drawing. I like to hike and explore new trails. I like to cook. And most recently, I bought
something called a kalimba, which is a finger piano. I'm not very good yet, but I'm still enjoying
learning nonetheless. I'm deeply passionate
about what we do here at CTC. Our young people are so special, and every single one of them deserves
a chance to live the fullest life they possibly can. That being said, I'm so excited to potentially
be a part of your child's journey towards self -discovery and overall better health. I look
forward to seeing you soon.
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Reynee Small
Hello, my name is Reynee Small. I'm a Marriage and Family Therapist Trainee here at Child and
Teen Counseling supervised by Kent Toussaint. I'm currently getting my graduate degree in
Clinical Psychology at Pepperdine University, and I graduated recently with my undergrad
Bachelors in Psychological Science from UC Irvine. I'm originally from Orange County, but
I've also lived in Arizona and Connecticut and spent part of my life in Thailand as well. I spent
some of my elementary and middle school years there. My mom is half Thai, so I come from a Southeast
Asian background. And given that, I know that that is an underserved community. I'm very passionate
about working with that community and giving outreach to them for mental health resources
and other resources as well. I have some prior experience working with youth. I worked with
at -risk youth at a crisis residential center, so ages 12 to 17. I also did research for children
with ADHD and ASD looking at canine interventions in the classroom
for them. I've also had my own experiences in therapy as a kid given that I know how valuable it
can be for kids and their families. I know how much it meant to me and how much I still value that
experience today. Some things I like to do for fun, I really love cartoons. My favorite is probably
Avatar The Last Airbender, anything in that franchise. I also really love playing video games.
My favorite is the Zelda franchise, so I really love the game Breath of the Wild. It's my favorite
ever. I could play that for hours. I look forward to possibly meeting with you and your family.
You can reach me at rainey at childandteencounseling .org. That is R -E -Y -N -E -E at childandteencounseling
.org. And hopefully I get to meet with you soon.
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Nathan Soria
Hey guys, my name is Nathan. I'm a current CSUN MFT graduate student and I'm also a MFT trainee
supervised by Kent Tucson at CTC. I wanted to become a therapist because one of my goals was to
be someone that people can rely on in their times of need, whether it be a shoulder to lean on,
a listening ear, or if all just somebody that they can turn to when they're unsure what to do.
As a side note, one of my bigger goals was to be able to shed light on mental health awareness in
the Asian community. So me being half Chinese, half Filipino, as I mentioned just being able
to spread awareness to not only my own communities but other communities that I'm going to have
the pleasure of working with in the near future.
I wanted to work with children and teens mainly
because of the energy that they bring to the table. Something about the youthfulness, the joyfulness,
the youthful and innocent energy is something that really resonates with me and I'm very much
looking forward to being able to tap into
my own inner self and my inner child and being able to for example, make art with them, play games
with them overall, just be a big brother to them. I can imagine that some of the benefits of therapy
for kids and teens can lie along the lines of just being able to guide them through such a ever
-changing time of their life, whether it be moving to a new school and navigating new relationships,
navigating their, you know, their friends they meet along the way, just being able to be a big
brother to them and guide them through the times of when they're unsure is one of my bigger goals
as well. Some of the interests and hobbies that I have for myself is I'm a big sports guy, I love
watching soccer, tennis, basketball, baseball, you name it. I also played tennis myself.
I played it all my life. I played club tennis for San Diego State when I was over there doing my
undergrad. And another fun fact about me is that I am a semi -retired Rubik's Cube solver. And
so I've had the pleasure of going
throughout the US, just competing and being able to solve the cube, meeting so many new people
and also recording some fast times along the way. So that's a little bit about me. I look forward
to working with you at Child and Teen Counseling. Thank you.
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Jill Axel
Hi everyone, my name is Jillian Axel. You can call me Jill, whatever floats your boat. I am currently
getting my master's at Pepperdine and I am a MFT trainee here at Child and Teen Counseling. So
one of the reasons why I ended up in this profession is growing up with dyslexia and ADHD. I spent
a lot of hours in language therapy, speech therapy, and as a client myself, struggling with
anxiety, and just feeling the stereotypes put upon me kind of created some stigma in regards
to just feeling as if I was inadequate and that kind of continued as I went into college and even
now I have to, you know, take a second to realize my accomplishments, where I've come from, where
I am now and I can't wait to help other kids realize that their options are unlimited just like
mine was due to the amazing people and therapists in my life who guided me to be able to figure
that out for myself.
Okay so now a little fun fact I was very much so a choir and theater person
growing up. I continued on through
college during choir. I was in the last choir to perform at Notre Dame before the spire fell in
2019. So, you know, just a little fun fact. And some hobbies are I really love spending time with
friends and family. I try to make that my priority. I love self -care bubble baths, Lush products,
anything from Lush I love. I love my dog Charlotte. She's a cute little pug. Thank you so much
for listening and I can't wait to meet you all.
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Maya Irigoyen
Hi, I'm Maya from Child and Teen Counseling. I'm a Marriage and Family Therapist trainee supervised
by Kent Tucson. I'm really looking forward to working with children, teens, and adults. I know
growing up can be full of many challenges, but also a lot of fun times as well, so I'm really excited
to be a pillar of support for you and your family. I graduated from the University of Michigan
with a Bachelor's in Psychology, go blue, and I'm currently pursuing my master's at Antioch
University in clinical psychology. Growing up in Hispanic households, mental health wasn't
something that was necessarily emphasized. I didn't get my first personal therapy until I
was in college. For that reason, it's really important to me to bring this opportunity to children
and teens who are a little bit younger than I was when I first started my journey with mental health.
I know it's super important and it really could have helped me when I was a bit younger. I'm really
passionate about reducing stigma around
mental health in black and brown communities. Again, I just think it's an awesome resource
and I'm really looking forward to, again, being that support for you and your family. In my free
time I love being active. I actually used to be an amateur boxer, so I had a few fights. I don't
do that anymore, although I do sometimes go to a boxing workout. I love to be outside going on
a hike, just playing various sports. I also do like to tap into a softer side. I enjoy yoga. I like
doing art and being creative. I'm also a plant mom and I actually have a snake and a gecko at home.
So I really enjoy animals and I love nature. I'm really excited to start working with you and
your family. Feel free to contact me at Maya, M -A -Y -A, at childteencounseling .org, or give
Child and Teen Counseling a call and we can get this journey started. I'm looking forward to
seeing you.
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Katherine MacLeod
Hi there, my name is Katherine McLeod and I'm a marriage and family therapist trainee at Child
and Teen Counseling. I'm also pursuing my master's at CSUN and I got my undergraduate degree
at UCSB in psychological and brain sciences. So during my time at UCSB is really when I decided
to pursue this path to become a therapist. I was taking incredible classes in the psychology
department such as psychology and mindfulness that were really opening my mind to this world.
And at the same time, I was working as a peer mentor with children, teens, and young adults. So
my clients were ranging from age six all the way up to age 24. And these clients had autism spectrum
disorder. So what I was doing with them was really working on daily living skills. But what I
recognized was just how many conversations were circling back to mental health. And in that,
I was able to see just how important these conversations were to all ages, and especially these
ages of children, teens, and young adults specifically.
What I recognized in myself was just how comfortable I felt with some of these uncomfortable
conversations and just how moved and impacted I felt by joining someone on their journey within
their own mental health. So it was a really special time for me and I'm extremely excited to be
a marriage and family therapist trainee here. So that's a little bit about my path but as for
myself I really love to cook so I've grown up cooking with my mom since I was super little and it's
something that I find a lot of creativity in. I also love to go outside. So currently I've just
picked up playing pickleball which has been super fun.
I also love to play frisbee at the beach,
go for long walks or hikes, really anything to get me in the sunshine makes me happy. I also love
to go thrift shopping so that's another way that I'm able to be creative with my wardrobe or even
just my home decor. So that's been really fun and I'm also a very crafty person so I've found with
art I love to make things whether
it be with like air dry clay or I got really into embroidery as well. So those are just some fun
things about me. I'm really excited to hopefully get to know you soon and thanks so much for listening,
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Ian Lock
Hi, my name is Ian and I'm a current Marriage and Family Therapist trainee at Child and Teen Counseling. I got my Bachelor's Degree in Psychology from Chapman University and I'm currently in the process
of getting my Master's Degree from Pepperdine University. A little bit about me, I'm originally
from Seattle, Washington where I really grew up with a strong interest in sports and video games
and then along with that I also have a strong interest in cooking and anything to do with music.
I think I really got into this field specifically because of my own interest in giving back to
the community around me.
Coming from a Chinese family background, there's always a strong
emphasis on paying it forward to the next generation and taking care of the people around you,
two things that I think are extremely important and have given me a lot of passion for this kind
of work. I'm really passionate about working with kids and teens and it's something that I think
it's a privilege to be able to participate in. So I really look forward to seeing you guys soon, and thank you so much.
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Sam Kindseth
Hey, my name's Sam Kindseth. I'm a marriage and family therapist trainee here at Child Teen Counseling, and I'm currently a master student at Pepperdine. Some things about me is I love fashion, music,
being outdoors, and playing video games. So I entered the therapy field because of my own personal
struggles with mental health in the past, and I'd love to be that person for your child or teen
that I could've used during those years.
I think it's super important for a child or teen be able
to talk about what's going on in a completely confidential and non -judgmental space and as
a young adult myself I feel like I can really connect to children and teens on an emotional level
and help guide them from an understanding point of view. I'll always give my greatest effort
to support you to the best of my ability and I look forward to meeting with you soon.
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Sophia Robichaud
Hey guys, my name is Nathan. I'm a current CSUN MFT graduate student and I'm also a MFT trainee
supervised by Kent Tucson at CTC. I wanted to become a therapist because one of my goals was to
be someone that people can rely on in their times of need, whether it be a shoulder to lean on,
a listening ear, or if all just somebody that they can turn to when they're unsure what to do.
As a side note, one of my bigger goals was to be able to shed light on mental health awareness in
the Asian community. So me being half Chinese, half Filipino, as I mentioned just being able
to spread awareness to not only my own communities but other communities that I'm going to have
the pleasure of working with in the near future.
I wanted to work with children and teens mainly
because of the energy that they bring to the table. Something about the youthfulness, the joyfulness,
the youthful and innocent energy is something that really resonates with me and I'm very much
looking forward to being able to tap into
my own inner self and my inner child and being able to for example, make art with them, play games
with them overall, just be a big brother to them. I can imagine that some of the benefits of therapy
for kids and teens can lie along the lines of just being able to guide them through such a ever
-changing time of their life, whether it be moving to a new school and navigating new relationships,
navigating their, you know, their friends they meet along the way, just being able to be a big
brother to them and guide them through the times of when they're unsure is one of my bigger goals
as well. Some of the interests and hobbies that I have for myself is I'm a big sports guy, I love
watching soccer, tennis, basketball, baseball, you name it. I also played tennis myself.
I played it all my life. I played club tennis for San Diego State when I was over there doing my
undergrad. And another fun fact about me is that I am a semi -retired Rubik's Cube solver. And
so I've had the pleasure of going
throughout the US, just competing and being able to solve the cube, meeting so many new people
and also recording some fast times along the way. So that's a little bit about me. I look forward
to working with you at Child and Teen Counseling. Thank you.
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Olivia Sung
Hi, I'm Olivia. I'm from San Diego, California. I just graduated from UC Berkeley, where I double
majored in psychology and gender women's studies. And right now I'm at Pepperdine Graduate
School of Education and Psychology. I wanted to become a therapist, I think from when I was in
high school. I was dealing with my own mental health issues and I felt like I didn't have the resource or the support that I wanted and needed. and I realized that a lot of my friends and my classmates were suffering from mental illness as well, but didn't want to talk about it. And there was such a stigma around mental health. So I created a club in high school where we would have open conversations about mental health. And I think that's kind of where my passion sparked.
I really like helping people and then being open with my experiences. I can empower other people to be open with theirs. I'm most drawn to working with children and teens because I feel that I can relate and empathize with them the most and I just want parents to know that yes I am young but I feel that that gives me an advantage with helping their child because I remember what it's like to be their age and I think that I can connect with them on a different level. Thank you for listening
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Jimmy Barker
My name is Jimmy Barker and I'm a trainee therapist at Child and Teen Counseling, supervised
by Kent Tucson. Before realizing I could be useful as a therapist, I've worked across different
roles in the creative industries. But I think more importantly, is that I've known suffering
and I've known pain. And I've also been part of, and I continue to be part of, healing and incredible
relationship with my therapist and I've seen firsthand how I've been able to take more responsibility
and self -direction in my life and ultimately I've changed. My practice is really centered
around the idea that every person has the ability to direct their behaviors, their attitudes,
their relationships and my job as a therapist is really to work to imagine what it might be like
to be going through the things you're going through and to build a partnership where we can remove
the blocks that are stopping you getting to where you want to be. I use talk therapy, play therapy
and creative arts expression therapy.
I also help to teach techniques like non -violent communication and mindfulness. I chose to
train here at Child and Teen Counseling specifically because I could really feel the care not
only that they give their clients but to the trainees and I loved their kind of mantra of change
happens at the speed of trust, which felt very true to me. And kids and teens, you know, I think
partly I'm specializing with them because I love the energy they give and this kind of fresh
experiencing and insight. But I also know how much it would have meant to me to have a therapist
at that age and I have seen at how as an adult you know those experiences as a child and as a teen
really continue to play out. So I hope this has been helpful and take care of yourself.
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Your Name Here
I knew Child and Teen Counseling was my first choice from the start. I came in and I was like, oh,
this feels really good here. I chose Child and Teen Counseling as my practicum site because
I see how successful people coming from the site turn out to be. It was the feeling I had when I
came here, the people I got to meet and the excitement I felt kind of at a really visceral level
about looking forward to being around these people day in and day out. and I really appreciated
even the interviewing environment. Everyone was sitting low on the ground together in this
well -lit room, and I felt safe there as an interviewee, which made me feel like, oh, this must
probably feel good on the side of the clients. For me, I think the most helpful thing was just
the community. I think the fact that all the associates and all the trainees were really supportive
when I first came in. other trainees, people that were ahead of me and below me, the associates,
Kent, Brian, Bennett, Robin, like it's a
whole family here. My favorite thing about this place is the tight -knit community. Everyone
is very supportive of each other, the staff, supervisors, everyone looks out for each other.
Everyone is there to, you know, help each other out and just be there for one another. And that's
something I was looking for from the beginning. It really helped me feel comfortable here and
it made me feel supported like not just by like oh I have a supervisor I can ask questions but I
have like a community of people who can help me. I really wanted somewhere where there was a strong
emphasis on supervision. So one thing that I've talked a lot with with the clinical supervisors
here about it's just about trusting my gut and my intuition. Doing that I think has really helped
me be in the room and be present in a way that's more authentic, that's easier for my clients to
connect. We just get a lot of freedom to kind of meet the client where they're at, whatever kind
of approach is that we have, and I just
really appreciate that.
You know, my cohort, the people that I interviewed with and that I trained
with, we all went through the training process and learned to kind of find our voice. It's so
freeing to just have that liberty to do whatever I feel is right for the client and not necessarily
right for like the parent or right for my supervisor or things like that. It's like the client
first and foremost and I like that we get to have that Tommy. I think it really surprised me how
much I enjoy it. I mean I knew I would enjoy it. I'm surprised at how much I love the work. It feels
so fulfilling, and I really love getting to know the whole family, and something else that surprised
me is how I do get to know the whole family through working with one kid. I kind of have an idea when
I first started here that, oh yeah, like kids and teens, that'll be cool, but I don't know if it's
something I want to do the rest of my life. but I could definitely see myself doing this the rest
of my life. I think
I'm gonna miss the grind and the experience of like being in the office and like in CTC, in the
heart of CTC.
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Rosie Fiore
Hello, my name is Rosie Fiore and I am a marriage and family therapist trainee here at Child and
Teen Counseling. I am a native Angeleno and a Total Valley girl. I've actually lived here in
Woodland Hills my entire life. So yeah, when I was thinking about what population I wanted to
work with as a therapist, I reflected on what the very famous Mark Twain once said, which was
write what you know. I think it is Mark Twain that said that. I don't know. Anyway, whomever said
it, it really resonated with me. I can still so vividly remember what it felt like being a kid
and flooded with conflicting feelings and like a rollercoaster of emotions and all these mixed
messages coming at me all at once so quickly and was so hard to decipher the thoughts that were
mine or someone else's and influence and knowing what voice to listen to and which one to disregard.
Our childhood experiences play a huge role in shaping our self -esteem and how we see ourselves
as adults. And as a parent the love we have
for our kids is so profound and all we want is the best for them. But then somehow the wires get
crossed and there's this communication breakdown and that's why I really enjoy working collaboratively
with the whole family so we can figure out ways to communicate better and create more effective
behaviors and patterns and ultimately everyone can become the best version of themselves.
Sometimes a kid just needs someone to talk to and open up and just hold space for them and it's
really difficult because sometimes it can't be a family member or somebody in their social
circle and therapy can help the child identify and understand their moods and their emotions,
their motivations, and help them make sense of what's going on inside of them. Because if memory
serves, there is a lot going on inside of them. Look, it's not easy being a child or a teen or an
adult or a parent. And this goes by so incredibly fast. So we want to enjoy our communication
and create these wonderful habits so we can look
back and remember the good things. For instance, techniques such as cognitive behavioral
therapy, structural family therapy, and narrative therapy can improve the way we communicate
with one another. I would love the to come and meet with you and your kids independently or together
and just hear what you guys all have to say. So I appreciate you guys listening and I hope to see
you soon.
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