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a view from above of a DC street with words painted on it: "end racism now."

Talking To Our Kids About Racism

Considering the current political and social conversations that many of us are having, we can’t ignore the state of our country and I hope these few short words help.   It’s important to begin educating and taking time to talk to our children from a very young age about differences in skin color. According to [...]
silhouette of a family holding hands in the sunset

What to Expect When You’re Not Expecting: Raising Blended Families

Blended families are quickly becoming the new norm. While this is a fun and exciting chapter in your life, it is a completely new experience for you, your spouse, and the children you share. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to prepare for such a big transition, since new feelings can emerge after the transition occurs. […]

a variety of emojis including happy, in love and mad

The Power of the Magic 5 to 1 Ratio: A Positive Parenting Approach

Dr. John and Julie Gottman are world-renowned American psychological researchers and clinicians who have done extensive work on divorce prediction and marital stability for over 40 years.  In their research, they found that stable and healthy relationships have a “magic” ratio of 5 to 1. This means that they found that in healthy relationships there […]

Discussing Grief and Loss with Your Child

At some point in all our lives we experience lossand the natural reaction to loss, grief. Because grief is such anindividualized experience, it appears differently for everyone. This can poseas a challenge for parents who need to address the loss with their child(ren)while simultaneously grieving themselves. Here are some things to consider whendiscussing loss with [...]

Three Things You Didn’t Know About Gentle Parenting

  As a parent, you know your child best, from your son’s favorite television show to your daughter’s best friend. But you also know what makes them most upset. For instance, when you take a trip to the grocery store and your 5 year-old son sees his favorite ice-cream flavor, he begs you to buy […]

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