Happy-2 Anxious-2 IDC-2 Angry-2 Sad-2
Seif Jarrah ponders his time at CTC

It’s a Wrap with Seif Jarrah

This experience has been so amazing in so many ways. Something very personal to me was that I struggled a lot with public speaking and what I was able to do through CTC and the support of Kent and Brian and everything was being able to give a presentation to my fellow colleagues about a topic that I was really passionate about, which was really uncomfortable for me, taking on that project. But when I did it, I felt really grateful that, you know, I was given the opportunity because I can start building on a lot of like, you know, these skills that I want to take into my future career. Yeah, I would tell people just starting the practicum that, you know, just don't be afraid to try new things. It's going to be scary. It's going to be uncomfortable to kind of just like, you know, get on the floor and just play and then really take on like, just like that carefree persona. But it's really, you know, vital to the therapeutic process because if the client can feel that you're comfortable in session they'll feel comfortable. I have a lot of personal like accomplishments from just being in these kids and teens life that you know I've made such an effect on them and I can see that in each one of our sessions just like how they've grown and how they've changed and how you know they come back and they're just like you know I'm really glad you pushed me on this or I'm really glad that you know I was able to come and see you like all of things I take with such great like you know honor in the work that I do. I think it's it's one of the reasons why I love this job so much is because I can offer those resources and offer that support for kids and teens who are struggling and all of those are accomplishments to me

This week we bid farewell to the amazing Seif Jarrah as he jogs off into the future (he’s a runner, thus the metaphor). While he was here Seif took on challenges that caused him to grow and build self-confidence, like developing a workshop which he presented to the entire staff. He also participated in our Therapy on Campus program, providing free therapy services at one of our partner schools, and co-founded and facilitated our High School Guys Group, BroOp. Get a listen to Seif as he reminisces about his time at CTC in this short video. We’ll miss his hard work and growth mindset. Thank you Seif!

About The Author

Brian Frith-Smith
Brian Frith-Smith is the Office Manager and Marketing Coordinator of Child & Teen Counseling. He also serves the board as its Secretary and Treasurer. Brian brings a wealth of experience as a small business operator to the organization, and hopes to grow it into a household name for affordable mental health services in the Los Angeles area.

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